Ross Williams (GBR-83), world’s number 7 in Slalom racing and World’s number 9 in wavesailing plus Formula Worldchampion, injured his right ankle bone recently during a kite session. It’s not the best moment to have an injury as the first PWA Slalom will be started in South Korea in three weeks. Read our interview with Ross, who does not want to rush back on the board too soon. We wish Ross a really fast recovery, that he will be able to fight for the podiums soon again!



C7: What happened? 

Ross Williams: I was out kitesurfing at a beach on the isle of wight where I live and the water gets pretty shallow and I jumped and powered up the kite diving into the water which in turn powered me into the ankle deep water and I tried to land feet first and my ankle didn’t like that too much. I carried on sailing for about an hour, but as I walked up the beach I could feel something wasn’t right and the ankle was feeling really stiff. I iced it that evening and then the next day I went to hospital where they gave me the news.


C7: Which bone did you break?

Ross Williams:  It’s a small fracture of the Talus, or ankle bone.


Ross on crutches for a few weeks. Not sure, if he will be able to compete in Soouth Korea already!

Ross on crutches for a few weeks. Not sure, if he will be able to compete in Soouth Korea already!


C7: How long will you be off the water?

Ross Williams: Not sure yet. Anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks.


C7: Are you doing some training off the water now?

Ross Williams: Since the accident I have done nothing in the way of fitness, I just wanted to let me know focus on healing. I will go back to the gym next week. But I won’t try sailing for another 10 days to 2 weeks.


C7: In 30 days the PWA event starts in Korea. Will you be fit again to compete? 

Ross Williams:  Not sure if I will be fit enough to compete in time for South Korea. I want to be sure the ankle is ok and its not going to get worst by rushing back to soon.


On a big day at Cape Point, South Afriica, ealier this year.

On a big day at Cape Point, South Afriica, ealier this year.


C7: If YES: Do you see a chance to get on the podium or win the event?

Ross Williams: I always believe I have a chance to win an event or place really well. I am really looking forward the this season and I am sure I will get some good results, along with the rest of the New Gaastra and Tabou international team


C7: How and where did you prepare for the 2013 season? Did you focus on Slalom or/and Wave?

Ross Williams: I was in the UK till the the end of January. We had some good wind and waves up to then and the weather was not too could. Then I was in Cape town to finish the development on the 2014 wave sails, at the same time I was training slalom and tuning a bit my gear. My main focus will be for sure Slalom as well as working on promoting and selling the Brands as the UK agent.


C7: If you won’t be able to start in Korea, what is your alternative plan?

Ross Williams: I am really busy all day long with the agency, so i can always find more to do there. I can still be active running demo’s and coaching in the UK while working on my fitness so I can come back strong on the PWA when its the right time for me.


Ross is not only a great windsurfer, he as well surfs very well (Pic: Paul Blackley).

Ross is not only a great windsurfer, he as well surfs very well. This time at  Compton Bay during last November (Pic: Paul Blackley).


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