PWA Lanzarote 2011 – Day 3

2017-01-19T15:28:32+01:00July 3rd, 2011|

Gollito Estredo wins the single elimination at Lanzarote in front of Steven van Broeckhoven. Today is the last day of the event.

Interview with Gollito Estredo

2017-01-19T15:33:43+01:00May 12th, 2011|

The "Minds Wide Open" crew made a little interview with Gollito Estredo, who is at the moment in Egypt.

Copa ONA 2011 – El Yaque

2017-01-19T15:37:45+01:00March 30th, 2011|

From the 24th until the 27th of March the Copa ONA competition took place in El Yaque. Read more here.

PWA Vietnam 2011 – Day 4

2017-01-19T15:39:20+01:00February 28th, 2011|

Kiri Thode from Bonaire takes the victory of the first ever PWA freestyle event in Vietnam.
