Push loop – Gollito Estredo

2018-05-22T07:52:07+02:00August 7th, 2015|

It is quite impressive how Gollito Estredo manages to rotate through a perfect Push loop in side-off conditions with little chop.

NorthSails Idol LTD 2016

2018-05-22T07:52:13+02:00July 22nd, 2015|

Watch the latest teaser on the NorthSails Idol LTD 2016 with Max Rowe, Gollito Estredo and Adrien Bosson.

Burner one handed Diablo – Gollito Estredo

2018-05-22T07:52:14+02:00July 21st, 2015|

An evening freestyle session for Gollito Estredo during the Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival last week. The Venezuelan seems to be well prepared for the upcoming PWA Freestyle Event at Fuerteventura.

Pushloop Special – Gollito Estredo

2020-02-24T23:44:28+01:00January 30th, 2015|

Gollito Estredo landed this Pushloop into Jibe during the PWA event on Fuerteventura last year. We have seen windsurfers turning quick after Forward rotations, but not after a Pushloop. We thought we need to share it with you.
