Watch the highlight video of the Wave single elimination, produced by Aeolus Productions. Sarah-Quita Offringa and Marc-Pare Rico won the wave single elimination in rough onshore conditions. The highlight clip really makes the conditions look better than they were. A lot of interruptions, heat repetitions and changing conditions mixed with the cold weather made it difficult for the participants to perform at the highest level. If you follow the entire livestream from the single elimination, you will recognize a lot of frustration and disappointment. A few riders didn’t make it through the shore break on time. Young Alexia Kiefer-Quintana missed her entire final run for instance. The heat area was huge and a few riders weren’t sure if they are sailing inside or outside the area. Of course it’s hard to see the flags from far outside and it’s difficult for the judges to follow all the action from the shore. The excellent drone shots give a clear view on the scenery, but young Italian Samuele Ferraro described the situation quite well on the livestream as he said: “You spot a wave and when you are about to take off it’s gone.”

The task was to complete 2 jumps and 2 wave rides within 13 minutes, which was a monster task for many riders, especially when the wind dropped halfway through the heat. But some riders showed incredible skills. Marc Pare and Marcilio Browne. Marcilio impressed with huge heat scores until the all deciding final, when Marc showed what a great competitor he is. With aggressive wavering and perfect jumps he collected more than 21 points and defeated Brawzinho by 7.3 points difference, who suffered cramps in his hamstrings . A well landed double Forward of Marc definitely increased his amount of points.

“It’s pretty tough. I was having a hard time. Anyway. It’s windy. I was on 4.7m and 92 liters and was super powered up.Marc Pare about the conditions on day 2 at Westerland Sylt

In the runner up final the probably most experienced Sylt rider Victor Fernandez managed to defeat Antoine Martin, who was on the heels of the Spaniard throughout the entire heat. 1.81 points made the difference. Just behind the top 4 are big names ready to fight back through the double: Marino Gil Gherardi, Miguel Chapuis, Robby Swift and Philip Köster 

In the ladies single elimination it was again Sarah-Quita Offringa, who showed a lot of experience. She managed to make it into the winners finally winning over young hot shot Sol Degrieck in the semi final with a last minute wave ride. It was definitely a close call. The Aruban decided to stay outside on the water instead of struggling with the shore break again, what was a wise decision. She won the final without sailing against an opponent. 14 year old Sol grabbed the third place defeating tor leader Lina Erpenstein. 

Someone told me don’t worry if you are having a s**t heat, just do your best. That kind of made me calm down and I was just enjoying. I was a bit groovy on the wave.Sarah-Quita Offringa about the single elimination

All in all, the professionals proved why they are professionals and put on a great show in extremely difficult conditions!!They landed double Forwards, big Back loops, Forwards off the lip, Aerials, Backside and Frontside 360s, Backside Airs, Shove Its. Sometimes big rainbows appeared and created a wonderful scenery over Westerland.

Now the cards for the world titles are mixed again. With two more results from Sylt and at the season finals on Maui in October a few riders can pick up important points. Sarah-Quita Offringa and Marc Pare are back in the title race indeed. It as well depends on how many points will be given for the 4 star Tenerife/Cabezo event. It’s still not announced.

Results ladies wave single elimination Sylt 2024 (14 women):

1. Sarah-Quita Offringa
2. Alexia Kiefer-Quintana
3. Sol Degrieck
4. Lina Erpenstein
5. Maria Behrens, Justyna Sniady, Marina Morales Navarro, Caroline Foveau

Results men wave single elimination Sylt 2024 (32 men):

1. Marc Pare Rico
2. Marcilio Browne
3. Victor Fernandez
4. Antoine Martin
5. Miguel Chapuis, Marino Gil Gherardi, Robby Swift, Philip Köster


Windsurf World Cup Sylt 2024 – Highlight Video Single Elimination Wave

Filmed by Alfie Hart, Johannes Hertel & Best Boys

Edited by Aeolus Productions
